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Company Introduction

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JW Life Science has been leading national infusion solution industry and concentrating to improve the competitiveness in the world to become the top global nutrition company.

We will “aim” toward the global market.

Exclusive licensing and export agreements were signed with Baxter International, an American healthcare company, for the infusion solution products we had developed. We have got first EU-GMP Certificate for manufacturing facility of Total Parenteral Nutrition(TPN) product in Asia. Based on this, we will emerge as an indisputably top global company by continually expanding and pioneering new markets for export.

We will “build up” our progressive management system.

We at JW Life Science will be committed to protecting the environment and safeguarding patients’ lives with a strong sense of responsibility regarding life and the environment. Furthermore, by building a strategic management system, we will ensure systematic and swift responses any changes in our situation.

We must “create” new conceptual products.

Including multi-chambered infusion solution development which is the first in Korea, JW Life Science has been developing high tech medicine at our own R&D center and JW R&D center. By securing and commercializing the new products and material technologies of the future, we will preempt the market and seize opportunities for growth and expansion.